Migrating from obob_condor or hnc_condor

If you previously used the HTCondor cluster at the University of Salzburg either via obob_condor or the hnc_condor package of obob_ownft, migrating to the new cluster is quite easy for you. This document provides an overview what you need to do and what is different.


Although the underlying scheduling system changed from htcondor to slurm, the general principles all still apply: You define your jobs by writing a class that derives from a specific Job class, specify the resources needed and submit everything to a queue from which it then gets executed when it is your turn.

However, there are some notable changes:

No more bombers

Both the interim solution as well as the new cluster do not have personalized virtual machines a.k.a. bombers anymore. They are replaced by two possibilities, depending on your use case:

  1. Login Nodes: These machines are shared with all cluster users. They must not be used for real computations! Submitting jobs and some light development are fine, though. If you use too much RAM or CPU, you will get kicked out of the node!

  2. Interactive Jobs: These are not available right now but will be the replacements for the bombers. You basically run a job that you can connect to via xpra, ssh or Visual Studio Code. This is for real computation that needs to be done interactively or for development that needs more RAM and / or CPU.


Until the interactive jobs are available, please continue to use your bombers for any interactive things.

New command line commands

All the condor_* commands are not going to work anymore, of course. Here are the most import counterparts of the slurm world.

What it does



Show the jobs in the queue



Get Information about the nodes



Remove a queued or running job



There are more commands, of course and all commands also have lots of parameters and switches. Take a look at the slurm website to know more.


If your Job wanted to use more RAM than specified, the behavior of htcondor was to kill the job, update the memory requirements and run the job again.

Slurm is just going to kill your Job.


Slurm requires you to specify how much time you jobs need to run.

If you use python

Migrating from obob_condor is straight forward, because plus_slurm is a drop-in replacement.

  1. In your requirements.txt or environment.yml replace the obob_condor dependency by plus_slurm.

  2. Fix all your imports: from obob_condor import Job, JobCluster becomes: from plus_slurm import Job, JobCluster.

  3. Make sure to not use the adjust_mem and owner parameters when instantiating plus_slurm.JobCluster.

  4. Make sure to set the request_time parameter when instantiating plus_slurm.JobCluster.

  5. Remember that you need to be on the Login Node to submit your jobs.

And that’s it!

If you use Matlab

Code migration

Migrating your code from hnc_condor to plus_slurm is also really straight forward.

  1. When initializing obob_ownft, make sure to request plus_slurm as a package: cfg.package.plus_slurm = true;

  2. Replace all obob_condor_* calls with obob_slurm_*.

  3. Make sure to not use cfg.adjust_mem and cfg.owner.

  4. Make sure to set the cfg.request_time.

  5. Remember that you need to be on the Login Node to submit your jobs.

And that’s it!

Submitting from an interactive Matlab

Unfortunately, there is no X2Go available on the cluster login nodes. But you can use xpra as an alternative.

Make sure to install it on your local machine. Then open a terminal and enter:

xpra start --ssh="ssh" ssh://bXXXXXX@login5-gui.acsc.sbg.ac.at --start-child="/mnt/obob/bin/Matlab/R2020a/bin/matlab -desktop"  --exit-with-children 

Wait a bit and you will get a full-blown Matlab window that runs on the login node…